This website's been under construction for about a year now. Why? Cause I'm lazy and easily distracted by the idea of NOT doing work. But I figured a year is too long a wait for a silly website.
So here it is! The long awaited website!
There are a few features that are still under construction right now. Like the shop. I have yet to take shots of my products and figure out shipping costs. But as soon as I get that done, the shop will be up and running! Hopefully, by the end of next week (October 6, 2018)
It's been a pretty fun, albeit rather stressful, past couple of days as I toiled away on this website. The internet connection struggles and back problems are REAL. But it feels so SO SOOO good to see the final product. It may not be the BEST website there is (no where near close to being the best website really), but I'm very proud of what I made and I really hope you guys like it!
Thank you all for being so patient with me and sticking around for so long! I'm very grateful for all the support and love!
- Bea Gomez (Bluetoaster)
Your website is amazing B!